Sunday, April 19, 2009

Teaching is KILLING ME!!! but its fun...

I really dun hav idea to work while waiting for result after STPM...
My frenz alwayz scold me for it...
Some of them went teaching and they invited me too..
HAHAHA!! I refused happily..

miracle happened..
I'm now teaching!!!
I'm now a guru ganti at SJK (C) Padang Tengku...
So wat changed my mind?
MONEY lor...
Later go out study nid to buy tis and tat sure nid money ma..
The pay tat they offer oso quite good..
Plus the school oso really nid a teacher and they x yet found anyone..
My fren told abt it and managed to convinced me..

Now already one and half month I'm thr..
Everything so far so good..
Sometimes unexpected things do happens..
but it's usual...
Busy means...yes lor...
in fact sometimes really very busy...
I'm a guru ganti for a teacher who is holding a number of post thr..
So now I'm the class teacher for Year 2, Ketua Panitia BI for the school, and english teacher for Year 5 and Year 6..
when say very nice but really busy one sometimes..
I really envy two of my frez who also guru ganti and gstt thr coz they dun hav so many things to do..
But actually it's very interesting one..
As the class teacher I'm very stirct to tat class...
so whenever they see me they will scared and won't be naughty..
so i very 'syok' lor..
hehehe.. they see my face very angry and strict..
but inside my heart i'm laughing and enjoying to see tis..
coz very 'syok' ma..

then ketua panitia's job..
I was told to do a school level english story telling competition..
So i did it..
Tat few days I was quite busy lor...
Nid to prepare tis and tat..
Even I'm the MC for tat day but I forgot to prepare script..
So tat morning I rushed and finished my script which is quite long(longer than my student's story)..Hahaha..
Then I with the help of other teachers carried out the event successfully...

They said my scripts was gud but i don't know..
All I know I'm very NERVOUS until my hands gt parkinson's disease and one of my fren noticed it..

Then my job was to prepare two students to district level competition..
The headache here was choosing the story for them..
Every time I chose story sure gt something wrong abt it..
Finally i gt the stories and started training them..
Thanks to Mdm.Ang who helped to train them..
Believe or not.. My student one got 2nd and one gt 3rd...
So funny...
When I was in school I had never won a story telling comptition..
But students tat I trained gt these results..
I oso dunno how..
Sometimes miracles happens...
The headmistress praised me in front of the students coz my students won..
Wat else? "SYOK' AGAIN LOR...
Now the one who gt second is going to the district level competition and i'm preparing her towards it..
Haiz.. But tis time mayb her competition is on June..
And my service ends on 29th of may...
So sad..
But still I'll train her..
So tat if she wins again..
The school and her will remember me..
I sure will add another post abt my experience here later..
With more pics and videos...
Let u c how cute and naughty students here are..
And they do when I and my frenz(all guru ganti) want to leave the school..
sure very touching one..
Hav a nice day!!!

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