Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How did you choose him/her?

I suddenly remembered a mythological story that I read long time ago. It is a very long story with so many events happening, each carrying its on moral value. I remembered this particular scene, which I found very meaningful, and i can't stop myself from sharing it here. So the scene goes like this:

A prince of a country were told by his father, the King to leave the country for some time and to experience the life of a normal person. He followed the King's instruction and began his journey. I don't exactly remember every single details of the story but the story line basically is something like this. On the way, he stopped at another country where the whole nation were talking about something. Then he found out that the King of that country was actually looking for a bridegroom for his Princess. She was such a good looking girl, since she was the only child for the King, everything that belonged the to King, will be hers one day. So lots of of people came and approached the King but the King was looking for someone special. So what did the King do is he organised a competition: He brought out a bow which was made of gold and put it in front of his palace. The bow was f.heavy and taller than a normal man which made people hard tohold it alone. Now the challenge was, the King announced that who ever can successfully break the bow into half, can marry the Princess. So many people came and tried. All the Princes from all over the world came and tried. Some of them were really very handsome. Some of them were very rich. But none of them won the Princess's heart. because none of them managed to break the bow into half. So its was such a coincidence that our hero Prince were passing by the country. He fall in love at first sight with the Princess and decided to give it a try. Amazingly He managed to break the bow into half, after struggling for some time. Princess was so happy and King announced their marriage straight away.

Now, the story may seem crazy and not logical, but when I read the synopsis for this part, there are actually some good things to learn from here. First lets look at it from the Princess's point of view. She was a Princess and she had lots of money. And there were so many good looking and rich Princes were dying to marry her. She could have simply chose one of them, but she didn't do that. She only agreed to marry our hero Prince because of his achievement he had done. Here, the Princess did choose by money, look or status. The Prince did not tell her at that time he was a Prince. So obviously the money and the status were never reasons for that. And since he needed to keep his identity secret, he was wearing some old cloths which made made him did not look good. So look is out of the box also. So what was it?

It was his capability or talent or what ever thing that you want to call it. First, she appreciated the talent that he had. When everyone failed in breaking the bow, he managed to do it. Secondly, after so many people failed in breaking the bow, he still had the courage and confident to try. Thirdly, although he struggled, he didn't quit half way. He went all out to break it in order to marry the girl he liked. So what the scene tells is: every guy should have a talent, so girls, appreciate that talent, because he is living his life the way he wants. Always look for boys who live their life confidently and who have courage to face difficulties. And if a guy really likes you, he will be willing to do anything for you. So this is how basically girls should choose their partners.

But the part that really impressed me was how guys can get the girls they like. Rewind the story for a while. Rich Guy = NO. Good Looking Guy =NO. Status as Prince = NO. You break the bow and I marry you. So, guys, forget about money, forget about your handsome face, and forget about your status. If you want her, then achieve something. He had the power to break the bow when all others failed to do so. You should have something in you that others don't have, find it and achieve in that field. This is what makes you special than others to her.

So, good luck for those who are chasing....

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