Monday, November 22, 2010

What is LOVE?

My idea is a bit different.. For me love is a kinda feeling where u will always wish for someone's good.. And that feeling is generated deep from ur heart.

All the while, U will be thinking about what is the best thing u can give to your lov...ed ones,in order to make their life easy..
U will watch ur each and every step so that it won't bring any kinda of harm to them,no matter how small it is..
U will always care for them,thinking of their situations and hardship all the time
U want all the happy moment in life with them, u will wish that they will be with during all these times..
At the same time,U want to be with them during their happy moments,no matter how far they are
U will be the 1st one to be thr when they are in trouble or stuck in sum kinda problem..
And u will always want them to think of u 1st when they need a hand
Sometimes u wont be 100% happy during the happy moments with ur loved ones, the reason is because the fact tat thr is alwys a end for every story will alwys disturb ur mind..
U will alwys willing to do anything for them..
U will alwys want them to be happy..
U will alwys wanna see them happy..
U will alwys wanna make them to be happy..
U will alwys be happy when they are happy..

Love is not a decision.. It's not for u to decide who to love.. Its responsibility tat given to u by birth tat these are the ppl tat u need to take care when u r in these world.. U cant change it.. U will only realise about tis responsibility when u undergo all the feelings tat listed above.. Then only u know tat u love tat person.. And the bond gets stronger there after..

There is alwys a narrowed opinion tat love is usually between two different gender at a particular age.. And there is also scientific explanation for why these kinda of feeling arises.. But it juz defines love partly..

Love is a feeling.. Its like energy.. It doesn't have a particular shape.. We cannot put love in a exact category.. The only thing tat differentiates love is its different forms.. Love can be many kinda different forms, based on its situations..

The feeling between mother n son is love.. The feeling between father n daughter is love.. The feeling brother n sister, between few best friends, between teacher n students, employer n employees, God n human.. Even the feeling between u n ur pet is also love.. Everything in tis world is love..

I am also in love now.. Of course,i believe everybody are in love rite now.. I love my families,one bak in hometown n one here.. I love my parents.. I love my siblings.. I am happy that i got so many people to love.. I feel lucky tat i got so many people to love me.. Love is the reason to keep me going on..Love is the why i am strong when i am supposed to down.. Love is the reason why i can just ignore some people tat i feel not worthy to be in my life..
Because i know got with me people who love me all the time..

Love is the reason why i am who i am..

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